Applied Biostatistics with R

Wahlfach: Applied Biostatistics with R




The goal of the course ”Applied Biostatistics with R” is a comprehensive, research-oriented and application-oriented introduction of biostatistical methods on medical data sets. In addition to expanding the knowledge of statistical methods, the most important learning objective is the competent application of these by using the statistical software R and RStudio. Half of the course will be spend on the introduction, language syntax and programming, data import, data processing, and data visualization in R. In the second part we deal with simple statistical tests, generalized linear models, mixed models, and time-to-event analyzes.

Course setting:

This summer semester, the course will be held as a mixture of asynchronous learning (videos for self-learning will be provided via Moodle) and personal attendance for exercises which will be held as weekly courses on Wednesdays 8.15 a.m. at the PC pool in Fleischmannstr. 6, Rooms A4.2.23 (SR201). PCs are available on site - if you wish to bring your own computer/notebook please bring a suitable adapter for LAN cables as WiFi connectivity is limited. In general, courses materials and recorded videos of each course session from the summer semester 2021/2023 are provided for self-study on Moodle. Please also notice a survey prior to the start on Wednesday 24th April to evaluate your already existing statistical knowledge and on your expectations regarding the course goals. After each chapter, we will provide additional tasks to prove your understanding and to verify your active participation (for those who need seminar achievements aka "Studienleistung" or "Teilnahmeschein") with your solutions to be uploaded on Moodle. The course language will be English.

Achievement options:

  1. SL (Studienleistung): After each chapter, we will provide additional tasks to prove your understanding and to verify your active participation with your solutions to be uploaded on Moodle
  2. PL (Prüfungsleistung): Assignment either graded or ungraded [We will provide a data set and questions/tasks to solve].